Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wiggly Play Center

Ok so last week we went to the Wiggly Play Center. We always have so much fun there. It was Zach's first time there besides when he was in bellio. They dont really have jails there but maybe that would be a good idea. lol Dang this kiddo is getting cuter everyday. (and heavier!! he is fricken huge) We also had shocktarts for the first time. Sorry for both pix being at the top but I just cant seem to figure out how to add a pix then text. Its just beyond me and my abilities. I need the dang force right now!!!!
School for daddy seems to about the same as his work schedule. I guess we can do anything for 2 years. Well, I hope we can anyway. Should be interesting. So far so good though.
So I dont know when the right time to discuss privates are but we have started the convo since watching E.T. We were so excited that our kiddos liked that movie until Lexie and Ethan began to call each other penis breath. Yeah, Eliot kinda calls his bro that and now it has almost become a commonly used phrase. CRAP!!!! The naughty chair is getting alot of use these days. Anyway, Lexie made sure to tell me that my woo was private too and that I shouldnt talk about it. Whew!!!!! I was a little confused about that one. ( i have called my privates my woo since i can remember, dont really know why) Funny story, when Ed and I were getting married we were driving thru Henryetta and there was a Chinese restaurant called the Golden Woo. We about died laughing!! Its gone now but references are made all the time. I wont go into detail. ;) `


Amy Pennington said...

well Zach is beyond adroable! so cute. and those other two of yours are growing so fast into mini you and Ed's. Cute also incase you didn't get that!:)

Ok you lost me at Golden Woo. I can't stop laughing and I almost choked on a piece of carrot.

Loving the glitz n glam!

may the force be with you soon!

Amy Pennington said...

p.s. now get back to reading girl! there is lots to do!

Jules said...

Golden Woo?? Oh my gosh that is hysterical!!! You totally crack me up! BTW Now that it's out of business maybe we should open one up in Dallas. There might more of a market for golden woos there. LOL

The pic of Zach in 'jail' is so cute! I can't believe how much Ethan is looking like Dad and Lexie like you. We can't wait to see you guys!

Murph said...

well, tell them the truth and let them say penis and vagina all day long. geez, mom, it's just parts.