So snow.... when I was a kid I loved snow. Could play for hours never feeling even slightly cold. My kids however did not get that from me, THANK GOODNESS!! LOL Thursday we woke to a beautiful snow covered Keller. It was about an inch deep and above freezing so being from Oklahoma I thought we were gonna be fine. We walked to school like almost every morning. It was snowing and getting deeper but not a lot and it was still just slush in the streets. I felt confident that the weather person was crazy for thinking we would actually get much snow. I after all have lived in Oklahoma and Texas all my life. Weather people have the hardest job here cause they warn and it never happens. Just the way it is here. Don't like the weather...wait a minute its gonna change. Anyway, it was still snowing and not expected by aforementioned weather people to stop til midnight at the earliest. So we get the school early release call and email and canceled school for the next day notice and I raise an eyebrow. But quickly dismiss it and get ready for our long weekend of playing in the snow. All excited for snow days. So it snowed....and it snowed....and it snowed....have I mentioned that I live in Texas. It was getting deeper and deeper. When we walked across the street to get Lexi it was about 6 inches deep. That was from 8am til 11 am. We played for a bit and Lexi and Zach decided they were done with frozen fingers and went in. By 2 pm it was about 8 inches deep. I'm totally shocked at this time. Never in my life has it snowed for this long and this much at the same time. Its usually melting by this time. Anywho, so ya get the point....SNOW!!! We played for a bit and the kiddos were just so done with it. Poor Zman wouldn't even use his hands to get up. He'd just use his puppy dog eyes and whimper a little and someone would come running to pull him up. It was actually kinda cute. The snow ended up being about 10 to 12 inches deep. CRAZY!!
I actually learned a valuable lesson about jeans in all this snow play. I may look fabulous in my low rise skinny jeans but they are absolutely not for playing in the snow. The old, ugly mom jeans are perfect. Everyone should go out to goodwill now and buy one pair of mom jeans for playing with kids in the snow. Polly plumber was mooning everyone!! The moon may be cute to my sweet hubby but not necessary to show to the world!!
A few photo's