Saturday, October 25, 2008

7 random things

So I am just really learning this blog etiquette so here goes. Julie tagged me in a post on listing 7 random things. Here goes.....
1. I think potatoes in any form are fab!! love em raw, love em mashed, love em get the pix. They are the veggie of choice for me!!

2. I love, love, love, love musicals, my personal fave is Les Miserables.

3. I have a huge crush on John Krazinski!!

4. Love Jazzercise!! I am Angela's class manager for Keller Jazzercise. woot woot!!

5. I have always wanted to spank someone riding their bike on the road while they were riding. (not to hurt them....i just think with all that Lycra on their tight buns they prob need a good spank!!:))

6. I loooooovvvvveeee battle phlinx on pogo. I know, weird!! fun game though, and I will smack ya down!!

7. I just may burst into song at any given moment, and it may or may not apply to the conversation at the time. ( i think i'm a little ADD, lol)

boo boo's stink!!

This week my sweet Lexie got her very first fat lip. She was hanging on the back of Ed's knee's with her head going thru the front, like under london bridges, when she lost her grip. So since her arms were behind her she got the full impact of the fall. It was so sad!! She was totally sure her daddy had just pushed her down. The grossest part was that she was eating some red grapes at the time. So she had a partly chewed up grape in her mouth that was kinda crushed in her teeth. Well her mouth was bleeding a bit so the red grape had a little blood on it and it was already a red one. So when I got her to open her mouth so I could see the first thing I saw was a chunk of grape "fleshy" junk. I was like craaaaappppppp!!! I thought she had bit a chunk of tongue off. Then I realized it was a grape. Whew!! Anyway's here's my poor little girl with her fat lip.

lookin like Julia Roberts...still adorable!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Zach's First Birthday

So here goes......Zach's birthday at a glance. Its funny now to see how different we are as parents than when Ethan had his first birthday. No Martha Stewart treats, no carved watermelon, just us and cake from target. We had a blast though. The kids helped us decorate and get all ready, it was way fun.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Getting started, he looks a little bewildered doesnt he!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~Ethan wouldnt touch his first cake.....Zach has no qualms with brutalizing it~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not too bad~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me likes..................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh dear..........get the bath going!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I do believe he won!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and of course the slam dunk new toy!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And he's down for the count!! We had a great birthday for him!! Then after the slammin partay...dun dun dun dun.......mommy and daddy got to go for some sushi!! Now thats what I call a fabulous birthday!! Loves it!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Helllloooooooo Ladieeeeeeees!!!!

Here's my boy in the battle with spaghetti. Yeah, you may have guessed....Zach won!! He is so different than Ethan, Zach wont touch pasta unless it has some kind of sauce on it and Ethan wont touch it with sauce on it.

He is such a stinkin cutie!!

I totally cant wait to show these pix to the first chick he brings home!! She must be warned about his dinner manners!!;)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

6th pix from the 6th folder tag

This is the tag from Julie, its the 6th pix in the 6th folder. I made sure not to do it on the 6th. Didnt wanna get too creepy!! LOL This is Ed and Ethan in the condo that we lived in right after we moved to Dallas. Dont look around them at the messiness of the place just concentrate on the cuteness of two of the men in my life. Ethan was barely 18 months old and as cute as ever.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I LOVE this PSA!!! I usually think the gov trying to tell me how I can be a better citizen is ridiculous however they got me straight in the heart with this one. This makes me laugh everytime I see it!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ethan's first day of Kindergarten

dontcha just love Lexie plastismile girl!!!

here's the school flag with some dang cute kiddos in front of it

Mrs Murphy
So we finally did it, Ethan is in school. He is loving it. I was doing so good barely crying at all when as I was walking back across the street( we live right across the street from Keller Harvel) I twisted my foot. It hurt more than a normal twist but I ignored it and went on so I could prove to Ed that I was a big girl and could send my kid to school without crying all day. As long as I kept moving I was fine. But when I drove to target to get a couple of things I was having some trouble walking so I got all I needed quickly and went home. I sat down at the puter for a few minutes before I had to walk across the street to get my boy. When I stood up I almost fell over. I was like holy crap I gotta go get Ethan. So I gimped over to get him. I'm sure that was quite amusing to watch. Serious hobbling. I was so fricken slow, Lexie kept asking why I was walking so slow. I made it in the house and passed out on the couch with my foot so sore that I was in tears. lol it was really pathetic. So Amy called in the middle of the whole mess and rushed over to save the day. Thank you so much Amy for all you do and did for me!!! I had never hurt my foot or ankle that bad before but dang what a great distraction for me. I wasnt sad at all after that. My fat fred flinstone foot hurt so bad that I couldnt see straight for a few days. LOL the Lord works in mysterious ways. ( gotta blame someone I guess, its too embarrassing to admit that I cant even walk anymore.....imagine the damage if I had been chewing gum!!!!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

cute dimples!!!!

Ok so Chris Rock is totally right!!! He was doing a stand up special a few years back and I thought it was funny but til last week I never truly understood the depth of his comments. He was talking about being the father of daughters and how his main job was tough but still the most important. His sole purpose was to "keep his girls off the pole". Now I laughed at the time but didnt really get the gravity of what he was saying til last week with my very own little girl. I was giving a girlfriend of mine a manicure and Lexie was looking on and being very cute of course. Well my friend looked over at Lexie and said--- "you have the cutest dimples" ---well I was doing the manicure so I didnt look up until Amy was bustin up. My sweet daughter had her shirt up to her neck, smiling hugely, pointing at her nipples and saying thank you!!! I thought I was gonna die laughing. We had a little lesson about where dimples were after that. These kiddos crack me up!!! And yes, we are working hard to keep her off the pole!!!