Monday, October 6, 2008

cute dimples!!!!

Ok so Chris Rock is totally right!!! He was doing a stand up special a few years back and I thought it was funny but til last week I never truly understood the depth of his comments. He was talking about being the father of daughters and how his main job was tough but still the most important. His sole purpose was to "keep his girls off the pole". Now I laughed at the time but didnt really get the gravity of what he was saying til last week with my very own little girl. I was giving a girlfriend of mine a manicure and Lexie was looking on and being very cute of course. Well my friend looked over at Lexie and said--- "you have the cutest dimples" ---well I was doing the manicure so I didnt look up until Amy was bustin up. My sweet daughter had her shirt up to her neck, smiling hugely, pointing at her nipples and saying thank you!!! I thought I was gonna die laughing. We had a little lesson about where dimples were after that. These kiddos crack me up!!! And yes, we are working hard to keep her off the pole!!!


Jules said...

THAT IS HYSTERICAL!!! Seriously that is the funniest! Who needs Chris Rock to make you laugh when you have kids. :) She is a cutie!

Unknown said...

That is great! Thanks for the warning. I just informed Keith of his new duty as a father! Keep his daughter off the pole!!! Good Luck with lexi she is darling!

Sabeys said...

Dia is gonna bust up over this one. She thought it meant keep girls from wrapping their car around one.

Keep off the pole, in so many ways.