Monday, August 18, 2008

4 nights in a row!!!!

Zach has been sleeping thru the night now for exactly 4 days!!!! I could do the minutes too but that truely seems over the top. lol He is doing so good, I almost hate to say it outloud. He has always been a good sleeper just not all the way thru the night. I could always get him back to sleep quickly when he did wake. Such a good boy!!!! The first morning I woke at 6:30 am I jumped up and smacked Ed on the arm and said....."its 6 fricken 30 and this is the first time I have been awake since last night!" I was so excited!!! Poor Ed.

So also in our little world here in TX(aka Africa). Ed started the "welcome to our MBA program" last wednesday and all went well. He is still liking being a bum(not working) and going to school. I tried to get him a Big Cheif tablet but he said he would be fine with locker magnets instead. lol He has a good group to work with for the first semester, one guy just got here from Saudi Arabia and in his intro he assured everyone that he wasnt a terrorist. Gotta love that he has a sense of humor. I'm still not as tense as I should be about this whole quit a good job and go to school deal. Im sure its coming though. lol We are trying to prepare some things, we have already done Christmas shopping for each other and gotten gift cards for family so as to not have to buy them later. We need to do a bit more of course but it is nice to think some is done!!!

We are still trying to decide what to do about Ethan and school this year vrs. preschool. The Keller preK program which by the way is a very mature way to say it for me lately is not an option afterall. Although I still think we should write the super here and let them know whats up. Ethan barely turned 5 right before the cutoff. So they are saying that they dont take 5 year olds. We arent ready for a full day full week school for him so prek was going to be a great deal, or so we thought. This rule of no 5 year olds was not on the internet qualifications so we have been pumping Ethan up for awhile that he is going to the school across the street but I guess the idiots here cant get their crap together enough to actually put ALL the qualifications on the internet. Be a shame for someone to actually do their job, I know. YES, I am still bitter. LOL This whole deal has really been crazy. Prek here is so expensive. Should be interesting, thats what I say now when i really want to curse loudly!!!!! lol Ok rant over!!

Lexie is at a funny stage now where she says the funniest things. She's always making us laugh. She loves taking care of baby zat, as she calls him. Anyhow, we went to the Wiggly Play Center last week and had a blast, I havent downloaded the pix yet but I will and get them up soon. I hope.

Well, here's to another week here in africa. And by the way, when school starts here I get Amy for some blog cuting up!! I am such a dink on the puter that I havent cuted this place up much. After visiting others blogs I seriously need some cuting!!!!


Amy Pennington said...

cuting up here we come!

Ok I think I am help me out. He just turned 5 that means kindergarten right or have I lost it? Or are you planning on making him oldest in his class? Megs was oldest because of her birthday. when she was 4 and turning 5 one week after school started I was pissed. Then last year she was 5 for one week then turned 6...crazy huh! we are on opposite sides of the spectrum!

good luck with your choosing!

Lisa said...

Val you crack me up! You are so sweet. I am always saying, "Who cares if he's only 2, he is very intelligent for his age. Please take him in your prek program. I'm begging you!" Don't think it is just the A"frikin" aka Texas schools. I have a long list of complaints about BA schools.

Jules said...

We miss you guys!!! So glad you have a blog. Holy smokes Ethan is 5!!! Man it seems like it was yesterday!

Steph said...

Okay. So did you tell me you had a blog? It seems like you did but with the craziness with moving, I guess I forgot! That WILL NOT happen again!! I found it when I checked my google analytics thingy and your blog address showed up because someone visited my blog from yours. Anyhoo... I love reading your posts! Keep it up.
Love to you Val Guidry!!!