Friday, September 5, 2008

Labor Day

We had wanted to make a sand box for awhile. The kiddos love to play in the sand and we decided that we just dont have quite enough grit and sand in our house so we finally put the sandbox together. The kiddos love it but I just cant decide how redneck it really is. It is supposed to be a toddler kid bed, out neighbor gave it to us when she moved in but Ethan has been in a twin bed since he was 2 so we didnt want to downsize him. So I had the thought to put it in the backyard and get some sand. lol You know your a redneck if you throw a bedframe in the backyard and put the kids in it with sand. Jeff Foxworthy would have a hay day....I can just hear it. lol


Jules said...

What a great idea! It looks like the perfect size too! Besides it'd only be redneck if it was a real car. :)

Bill and Mandy Guidry said...

I think is it way less redneck as a sand box than a bed. Great idea!