Friday, September 5, 2008

They got me!!!

I finally broke down and started the Twilight series. I just couldnt imagine that a teen vampire love story would be my gig. But after even the dogs have read it and the movie is getting close I gave in. My sweet hubby got me a basket of goodies and Twilight was in it right before he started school so I read it in about 3and a half days. Its a quick read and really good. I have quite enjoyed teasing my Ed that Edward Cullen wouldnt say that or do that. lol I would go look up some clip art to post here but that would require the use of the force for me. ;)


Jules said...

I have fought reading Twilight too. My friends were saying it made them wish their hubbies did this or that like the guy in the book. I'll make sure Rick reads it first that way he'll be clear on the expectations from now on. :)

Sabeys said...

Traitor! We were boycotting the commercilization of that book!
Okay, Ian hates it! Hates it! Told his English teacher that repeatedly, then read the first in one day, the second the next, the third the next and then howled because he couldn't get the fourth immediately. How could he pan it it he couldn't get it?

What's Ed trying to do, divert you from the misery you are justifiably deserved when you have a husband in school?